Tuesday, May 12, 2015


I am currently working on a bigger version of the tiny Baby Groots I made out of clay when Guardians of the Galaxy was out in theaters. I made a couple before so I know some tricks I didn't do on my first one so hopefully it comes out better and with more details.

Also, even thought I loved my Star-Lord costume I made for Halloween I really think it needs to be re-done. The Star-lord costume was perhaps my first complete suit project so I didn't have much experience with styles of modeling and painting. What I am planning to do in the re-modeling is re-attempt the helmet piece for a better fit as well as attempt to make the long jacket he wore in the beginning of the film (for my costume I had the shorter jacket). I will probably use the Hot Toys' Star Lord figure as a reference to make all the details I will need for both items (helmet and jacket).

Avengers: Age of Ultron Iron Gauntlet!

I am a huge Marvel fan, in fact I have been going to the premieres of each of their movies since I can remember. Also, I always watched the movie more than once because as all fans know, Marvel always leave easter eggs... and some are hard to spot. Well anyways, I had planned to go see Avengers: Age of Ultron for a long time and I decided I was going to dress up as Tony Stark while my other friends took the roles of Captain America, Nick Fury, and Thor. I didn't want to go just as a person with a goatee so I decided to build an Iron Gauntlet.

First I looked around to find references, most coming from the super awesome Hot Toys figures.

Secondly I look for a medium... And most of the time I use the crafting foam sheets they sell at Walmart because of how easy it can be manipulated.

After that I cut out the pieces I need to build the glove. This step usually takes a lot of measuring and size experimenting.

Once that is done and all the pieces are in place, I spray paint it. Usually it looks too new for my taste, so I add some BATTLE DAMAGE to the pieces. The scratches really makes the piece come together in the end... makes it more 'legit'.

And there, an Iron Man gauntlet made by an amateur! Many people seemed to love it when they saw me at the premiere... and the movie was simply AMAZING!!!! To be honest I watched it about 3 times the first week it was out. Now I am currently waiting on both Ant-Man and Captain America: Civil War.

Seen how nice it came out I might be willing to make a full suit some day! That will seriously rock!!!

Sentinels of Justice

Movies have always been my passion, and that passion has motivated me into learning how to animate. I have leaned from several places how to do different forms of animations; Stop Motion, 3D, Flash, Drawn, yet my favorite has always been a mix which consists of Illustrator drawings animated in After Effects. For a long time I had thought about starting a cartoon series of my characters but I had never had the time to do it... till the Spring of 2015. Its a short clip for now (more like an intro actually) but it shows where I am heading with the project. I plan to make a full episode soon when I can, hopefully it works out in the end. For now check out what I have done so far! Enjoy!

I am planning to get some of my friends to do the voices,
and hopefully soon I will have more videos for Sentinels of Justice!

Sketches From The Past

One of the few things you might need to know is that I have been drawing (or doodling) for quite a while. Its a bit odd considering my parents aren't really considered the most artistic people in the world but here we are! These are a few of my old sketches which I was able to find.

Emma Watson! This was a little project that I did for a friend of mine. I am unsure if this was the final version because I did this 2 years ago and I might have added little final touches to it. This project was a bit bigger than what I was used to for my drawings being almost 18 x 12 inches.

The Loki drawing was more of a personal sketch that I did around the time Thor: Dark World was out in theaters. Loki is probably one of my favorite villains of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Some Thing About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Marvin R. Mendoza, and I love creating stuff involving (mostly) super heroes! I have recently started to learn how to make slightly more complex builds as well as more advanced animations. My wish is for one day join one of the major movie companies (hopefully Marvel Studios) and work on the movies that I love. In this blog I will post some of my work as well as info on ideas I am working on as well as maybe some updates on the progress of things I am currently doing. I hope you guys enjoy them as much as I enjoy making them!

      But also don't forget that I am open to criticism and tips because it will help me in the future!

I am currently studying at Lone Star College and plan to transfer to UT Dallas next semester.